Monday, June 25, 2007

18sx & young MERCY part 2

before i proceed with the young MERCY. i like to share most interesting part happened in our class today. we started with infectious disease and laboratory medicine module and the coordinator definitely will be my favourite lecturer;mummy Z. I love u so much especially ur wonderful she was so obsess of herself. but maybe she is right.. intelligent people will become microbiologist..haha..but i'm not into it..hehe..the second part was a session with prof anti-smokers(Kerwin gave this nickname) so macam belajar public health...then after the break was the session with Prof Latiff on blood borne diseases. the most happening, interesting, chaos and other hilarious atmosphere to be named off. wut can cross in ur mind when u were asked logically bout blood borne disease in other words how those diseases are spreadable?dirty minds..the class was so like 18sx but it was legal to be discuss..heheh.. and everyone was so excited and prof latiff sumtime 'stimulate' us to think beyond our limit..hahaha..and the most unforgettable moment was we were asked the PREVENTION dealing with potential pt can transmit disease through blood..and miss x was bangganyer menjawab using condom..pastuh prof asked us..'nak amek darah HIV pt kena pakai kondom? so satu kelas gelak giler babeng..sumpah lawaak gilerrrr..hhehesorry miss x..tapi tak tipu i was like gelak giler hell punyer..hahahahh..muahahahaah..and bla bla. we had wonderful sessions sampai my name was posted out on the billboard for not submitting the assignment to prof.hehe.. lupa kott

afternoon sessions, we had CC (dont u think it sounds like sissy?) was on copd. the sessions was quite great with prof NIk as we were told earlier, so quite have some time to atleast go through respi which i already forget every single about it.

here i come with young MERCY part 2.. just after CC i met with my secretary puan sri j (j for joyah? jongang?) hahaha.. but she is very good in her works and specialised in secretary work since ive sent her to ADELAIDE for one year secretary course together with Kak FAT (matilah aku kena pukui) then Husna brought good news.she told me that quotation from Mr. Adam dah sampai and we think that the price was quite reasonable. but now im working very hard for the sponsorship and tomorrow we will have meeting withall the YM4 members and i think we should all out after this..(takutnyerrr pro exam makin dekat..huahaaahaa sumpah..takut gilerrr!!!)when i reached home i spend like almost 3 hours to go through balik minutes, agenda and bla bla bla bout our project 'SAVE FOR ONE LIFE' i pray a lot so that everything will be smooth sailing as we had a good start(paper work contoh tuh.hehhehe

had dinner with che nab(after called faha for millions of time.rupa-rupanyer pening after had intensive course with Kak Ida. faha like so u treasurer yang glamour. i was plannig to issue sponsour letter to all the YM4 members unfortunately juna told me that we are not allowed to do so as apart of professionalism and nak jaga nama and bla bala..i was like shouting at that time( hadui.pening tul especially pasal issue surat surat nih,letterhead lah nilah..macam macam tul.. nak muntah pon ader sumtim.. but sian kat YMCore. i know how hard time u guys are facing now.especially to Izani, Piah, Ina, Zati (mayor or mayonaise?) cindy, husna and those involved with YMcore. btw i love all of you YM4(esok janagn lupa meeting at PBL9 pukul 5)..we are the hottest YM me...

i would like to take this oppurtunity to wish happy Belated birthday to my 2 orang kuat in YM4(faha i tak tiru blog u tau)

to arab my wonderful treasurer..happy 21st birthday@190607 ..kurangkanlah keemoan mu and thanks for ur wonderful commitment

to Husna my great VICE PRESS a.k.a orang kampung den like so our name dekat nak mampos!! u r strong woman babeh..iron lady..happy 22nd birthday@210607 . big girls don't cry k..

end of the story.pray for a better day tomorrow...zzzzzz

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